We offer an intense four day seminar in groups of 4 to 10 participants. This program is available to active duty personnel at no out of pocket expense. Classes are held Tuesday through Friday from 1p.m.-5p.m.
Penrose Equi-Sense
" I have never had such positive, hands-on training in my entire life." 
                                                                     - Derrick C.
" Working the horses taught me to communicate clear and precise orders." 
                                                                     - Blake W.
" This was an amazing experience. Thank you." 
                                          - Chris L.
" I thought the program was very insightful and excellent for a lot of self-
                                                                     - Sara D.
" This was a great experience for me. I will recommend it to other soldiers. I learned a lot about myself. "
                                                                     - Chad M.
" Sincerely, you have no idea how much this has helped. Thank you. "
                                                                     - Derrick D.